> Services > Why Choose Bitel |
• Quality Components Featuring a High Performance CPU manufactured by Hitachi™
• Generous Warranty Program
• Highly Competitive Pricing
• Unparalleled Service and Support
• Flexibility to Provide Custom Solutions for Special Needs
• Emphasis on New Product Innovation with Over Seventeen System Engineers
• Certified Quality Manufacturing: BS EN ISO 9001 Certified
Providing POS Terminals and Credit / Debit
processing solutions, Bitel (pronounced By-Tel)
has expanded its highly successful POS business
into the North American markets. The company
has extensive global experience with impressive
sales on a global scale. Now delivering more
than 10,000 POS Terminals per month, the company
has the experience and know-how to provide
cost effective POS solutions that cover a
wide variety of credit processing requirements.
World class manufacturing and R&D are the cornerstones that enable Bitel to enter North America with an aggressive pricing strategy, with an emphasis on flexibility and customer service. |